Monday, November 14, 2011

I am back!!!

Hello All!
its been a long time since i updated my latest designs! But i am back now and will start sharing my latest creations and designs again! I havent been totally lazy as i have made many new items but just didnt get a chance to upload them here and take pictures!! But i promise something will be here very soon!

In addition I will be getting extra help with my Blogs and website very soon! Hopefully can share more with you guys and make this all more interesting!

I be back soon!



  1. Great News Nini, will be keeping my eyes out for your designs. By the way, do you have something light purple(ish). Partner wants something to match anoutfit she bought some time ago.


  2. hi yuri.... thanks for your comment! yeap have many items cystyal and pearls thats is purplish.... pls email me with your email address and i will send you some pictures - items.. my email is

    thanks Nini xox
